No, no, no. Back in the OLD days. Long before the lawn ranger. Probably 15-20
years ago. (Any other "old timers" out there? I'm 40.) I beleive it was called
the MowBot and it was made by General Electric or some other big company. It had
at least one pretty good size deep cycle battery, xacto blade cutters, a nice
plastic body. It used a sensor to detect a buried wire around the perimeter of
the area to be mowed. It then took a random path to cut the grass, turning when
it detected the wire. To show how old it was, I don't think it had an alarm if
it was picked up. Back when people wouldn't steal things out of your yard.
I suppose people have never heard of a FlyMow either. I could have bought one
about 3 years ago. But I must have been crazy at the time because I didn't.
-- Jeff Sampson Minneapolis, MN, USA (Toshiba T6963 and EPSON/SMOS SED1330 LCD Controllers) jeffs39 nospam at